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( IDW Sonic the Hedgehog: #9, #10)Įgg Pawns wielding Egg spears were among the badniks present guarding Egg Base Sigma. Later, the Egg Spears would be wielded by the Egg Pawns guarding Angel Island, although that did little to stop the Resistance and their allies when they came to liberate Angel Island. He then threw it at a nearby artillery cannon and obliterated it. A number of these possessed Egg Spears and surrounded Sonic, but Sonic managed to disarm one of them and use its Egg Spear to spin around with it in hand, defeating the Egg Pawns surrounding him. When Sonic snuck onboard a battleship of the Egg Fleet, he was found by Neo Metal Sonic, who commanded a number of Egg Pawns to attack Sonic. Sonic destroys an artillery cannon with an Egg Spear. At some point in the past, during the Eggman War, the Diamond Cutters fought several Egg Pawns that were armed with Egg Spears.